Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Late Entry Into the World of Blogging

Hello there, reader. I know that writing my first blog entry in May 2009 officially brands me as a late entrant into the wonderful world of blogging. But I've finally broken down and made use of this confounded new technological trend. I suppose I don't really know why I say I've "broken down," seeing as no one asked or coerced me into doing this. But I'm kind of on an agitated-Grandpa kick right now, so I'm just rolling with it.

Part of me supposes that no one will ever read this except me (realistically, I'll probably give each entry a few good reads, because I find myself to be pretty darn charming and delightful). Any other potential readers were probably scared off by that first paragraph, which (to be brutally honest) is probably pretty indicative of my writing style - rambling, incoherent, wierd, and far less insightful than I intend for it to be. Of course, God will be reading it in the sense that God has that whole omniscient thing going on. And I suppose that's sort of the point. This blog is meant to be an outlet through which I can communicate with God about life, thoughts, hopes, dreams, goals, prayers, ideas, and just plain 'ol junk.

I journal from time to time and always feel close to God when I do so. I think that it's because when I'm just writing I tend to be completely real. When I pray, sometimes I can get into the whole routine thing. I can fake it. And I know God isn't crazy about that.. in fact, I'd be willing to bet He doesn't pay it much mind. But when I write, my true emotions come out. And the reason I'm putting them down in a public blog is that I hope you can relate to them somehow.

It's been a whirlwind year. I've taken steps of faith I still can't believe I took. I've seen God powerfully at work. I've loved more like Christ than ever before. I've come to have a deeper understanding of God than I dreamed. Yet, sometimes I have doubts. Sometimes I think horrible thoughts. I frequently feel as the Apostle Paul did when he wrote that he is the worst of all sinners (1 Tim 1:15). Yet, I believe I am accepted into a grace through Christ that is completely beyond my comprehension. So I'll write about that stuff. And you can see it unfold as it happens, or in retrospect.

As for the name of my blog (Invent the Sky), I'll talk about why I'm calling it that at some point soon. I don't want to give away all my secrets at once! For now, I'm just pumped to get some of these thoughts out. I hope you can relate to them, but above all, I hope that God teaches me about Himself through my writing.


  1. welcome to the wonderful world of blogging :) it's always so intriguing to read the writing voice of a person. it's like this silent part of them that is so different than who they are in real life but so incredibly real at the same time. ...kind of like mimes.

  2. Hey man! Good to hear from you!

    Echoing everything Alicia said, welcome to blogging. I've been at this off-and-on in different formats since about the 7th grade, and as an added benefit, sometimes it's pretty entertaining to read up on the things I wrote back then and see how much has changed (similar to journalling).

    But it's also definitely good to have another avenue where you can check up on friends (like yourself) and see what's going on in their lives, especially since I'm going to be gone for the next two months on Project. Good to hear from you man!

  3. ok, update or i will un-follow you. which is kind of like de-friending, only worse.
